Calvin has finished the Giant Octopus that he's sending over to his new best friend David Latt (the producer of Mega Shark v.s the Giant Octopus). Hopefully it'll arrive over in California in one piece.
He's made the tentacles with blood on the end like the shark has just bitten them off.
Calvin got contacted by the producer of the movie Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus after he saw this blog site. He asked if Calvin could make him a wee model for his desk.
I managed to get hold of the Plasticene model he'd made back in October at my mum's house and I've taken another few photographs.
Calvin found a model set he got for Christmas and decided to start making the pig character (don't know what it's called).
It's a bit of a cheat as there are bits of it that are plastic that you put the plasticine around. I think the snout and ears are plastic but I'm not really sure.
Calvin's very slowly building the chicken in between other wee bits of work he's doing. In this picture you can see that he's making the legs from sweet wrappers, tin foil and strips of news papers. I think he's buying red or orange paint this weekend.
Calvin is making the chicken from Family Guy. He's the character that usually rolls around on the floor with Peter Griffin whilst punching lumps out of each other.
He's made it from rolled up news paper, glue, silver paper and masking tape.
Not sure when he'll finish it but it's a pretty good start.
Our local shops are starting to stock up on Toy Story items so Calvin decided to make some miniature figures last night - Mr Potato Head, Hamm and Wheezy.
I've put a Euro coin at the side so you can see just how small they are. He's making Mrs Potato Head tonight I think. I hope she's brought Mr Potato Head's angry eyes!